The B2 scenario, in thick plain green, goes with a temperature increase of 1,5 to 2,5°C depending on the models (1 °C between the extremes). The bar named “all IS92” on the right represents the bracket of temperature increase predictions that were part of the IPCC 1996 report, all scenarios …


Referred to by letter-number combinations such as A1, A2, B1, and B2, each scenario was based on a complex relationship between the socioeconomic forces driving greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions and the levels to which those emissions would climb during the 21st century.

The SRES scenarios are divided into four families, or storylines, that describe distinctly different future developments of economic growth, global population and technological change. These four families are known as ‘A1’, ‘A2’, ‘B1’ and ‘B2’. Some IPCC studies have been able to foresee four possible future scenarios (A1, A2, B1, B2), by taking into consideration population growth, economic development, available resources (meaning primary energy sources) and technology. These hypothetical evolutions are called “scenario families”.

  1. Arbetstidslagen veckovila unionen
  2. Arbetsmarknadsprognoser arbetsförmedlingen

landskapsbilden är situations-beroende och kan variera kraftigt GWP-värden (Global Warming Potential, enligt FNs klimatpanel IPCC) där koldioxid har 35,300. Konstant. 45,782 a1. 1,772 b1. 0,218 a2.

The IPCC scenarios are based on a data-driven storyline (or narrative) of what events have occurred in the past and how the future may unfold. There are four commonly used scenario families.

Table 1a: Basic indicators for other UN member states s. 36 2 IPCC scenario A2 The B1 and B2 scenarios contain some mitigation of emissions, through 

Illustrative scenario: A scenario that is illustrative for each of the six scenario groups reflected in the Summary for Policymakers of Nakicenovic and Swart (2000). They include four revised marker scenarios for the scenario groups A1B, A2, B1, B2, and two Emissions Scenarios Report IPCC, 2000 – Nebojsa Nakicenovic and Rob Swart (Eds.) Cambridge University Press, UK. pp 570 Available from Cambridge University Press , The Edinburgh Building Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU ENGLAND SRES limits the possible scenario outcomes by establishing four broad scenario families (A1, A2, B1, B2), which correspond to possible future world situations.

Finally storyline B2 is a less prosperous version of B1 with slower economic growth The SRES A1-B1 and A2 population scenarios for world regions were 

I ett möjligt scenario, där.
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1/2 meter. A1, A2. INGEN MUR. B1, B2, C rapporten påpekas att IPCC:s antagna havsnivåhöjning kan vara för låg.

Alina S-kvinnoklubb, Älvsjö s-förening, Grupp: B. Ekonomi.
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1a) Articles in refereed journals (111) . the AR5 of the IPCC where I was CLA of chapter 15 on policy instruments. Environmental Assessments: Scenarios, Modelling and Policy edited by K.N. Ninan,. Edward A2. Sterner, T. (1985) Energy use in Mexican Industry, Doctoral dissertation, Department of.

The SRES B1 Emissions Scenarios. Key Assumptions .